Snail’s Pace


Winters always seem long to me. Mild temperatures and unseasonably warm days are not enough to camouflage  the looming threat of snow, ice and fridges temperatures. In the sky the sun seems far away as, it too, does not want to get too close to the chilly winter air.

No season is ever alone and winter is no exception. Every day it inches closer and closer to its companion, Spring, who although often hidden is always there. Moving at a snail’s pace, too slow to see movement but fast enough to reveal change.


Dogs and Snow

Nothing can bring joy to a snowstorm like a dog. From the moment they step outside the piles of snow appear to magically ignite all of their senses.  Immediately their faces light up at the sight and smell of their new white wonderland. They want to run through any amount of snow that lays in front of them and bury their faces in the piles and drifts. Pure, simple joy. 

My favorite part of dogs in the snow? The paw prints! Their patterns left behind tell the story of the walks and the play the dogs enjoyed. Paw prints and footprints together are the best, evidence of dogs and their humans bonding over the joys of winter.