
Edinburgh, Scotland

Words in excess are a facade
creating emptiness and silencing true meaning

Words that are empty are expressive yet unfulfilled
Hiding true meaning that only a touch or gesture could truly convey

Words in excess are the mortar holding bricks in the wall
That creates loneliness and isolation
Diminishing hope with a stockade
That can only be tumbled by heartfelt gesture

This post is part of the 2020 A-Z Blogging Challenge!


St. Lucia, South Africa

The gentle sound of the waves on the shore
Calm breezes Salty Air
Feel the sun warm your heart
A place of solace in an uncertain world

This post is part of the “A-Z Blogging Challenge”!


Resemblance of a reflection
A duplication of what is
Or a possibility of what could be.
Do we see what is actually there
Or  an altered version of our interpretation,
Perhaps a grander version
Or something smaller born of a sadness within.
Is a reflection a true resemblance

This post is part of the “A-Z Blogging Challenge”!


Lido Beach, NY

Listen to the sound of the waves gently hitting the shore
Feel the soft touch of the breeze against your face
Breathe in the sweet salty air.
Even if only for that moment
All that is harsh softens
What was hurt is healed.

This post is part of the A-Z Blogging Challenge!

Empty Spaces

Edinburgh, Scotland

When does the waiting become too long
An arms length can be a mile
Measured in inches but creating an endless void
Surrounded by deep crevices of confusion and loneliness
An empty seat, a broken heart
Waiting to be filled but being passed by
Is it rejection or avoidance
A glimpse of the future
Or a reminder of what is gone